The mission of the London Jesuit Centre is to accompany people on the path to spiritual maturity. We do this by running events, courses and retreats, particularly on our three themes of social and environmental justice, spirituality and theology.
We want to be a place of belonging, creative collaboration and growth, especially for young adults.
We are a project of the Jesuits in Britain, a Roman Catholic Religious Order, who exist to bring people into an ever-deepening relationship with Jesus Christ.
We want to help you to bring your faith to life by connecting it to some of the key issues facing our world and society.
We are passionate about social justice, supporting the marginalised and oppressed, Catholic Social Teaching, religion and politics and the control of climate change.
In this way, we hope that you can not only learn about love but also find new ways to live it in your own life and share it with others.
Through encounters with Christ in prayer, we hope that you will discover renewed hope and a deeper sense of God accompanying you on life’s journey.
Our spirituality work is in the spiritual tradition of St Ignatius Loyola founder of the Jesuits - known as 'Ignatian Spirituality'.
Join us in prayer, meditation, contemplation, awareness, bodywork, Art and many other creative ways of enlivening the spirit within.
We want to help you to deepen your Christian faith by growing in knowledge and understanding of scripture, whilst addressing some of the most important and interesting questions about God and religion. Our theology and philosophy courses and events range from introductory sessions for beginners to advanced studies and seminars.
A monthly reading group discussing key questions in sexual ethics. In partnership with LGBT+ Catholics Westminster.
Join the LJC Book Club. This month we will be reading Cuddy by Benjamin Myers.
The gospels tell us that Jesus was amazed by faith – and nothing else. In this course we explore the Christian view of faith: what it is, why matters and what it has to do with the knowledge of God.
Our fortnightly online session of guided prayer led by the spirituality team at the London Jesuit Centre and some special guests.
Our partners bring life to the LJC by using our spaces for their ministry and work. Together, we work to equip Catholics with tools to fully live out their faith in today’s world.
MoreOur team are here to fullfill our mission. We will do all we can to help you. Click to see us all.
MoreInviting others to meaningfully collaborate with us in shaping the LJC.
Encouraging lay Catholics to step into leadership wherever possible.
Encouraging ecological conversion and the care of our common home.
Collaborating with all denominations of Christianity.
Having no barriers to entry and a preferential option for those who are financially struggling.
Find out about all our upcoming events, courses, retreats, training and news by subscribing to our weekly email newsletter.