Introductory Reading
The text of The Passion According to Luke (Lk 22:14 – 23:56)
Jack Mahoney SJ, “The Passion According to Saint Luke” in Thinking Faith. The Online Journal of the Jesuits in Britain, 24 March 2010.
Raymond E. Brown, “General Observations on the Passion Narratives” in A Crucified Christ in Holy Week, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota, 1986pp. 9-20.
Brian Purfield, An Overview of the Passion According to Luke, Notes for Private Use, London Jesuit Centre, 2025.
For those who wish to read further
Gospel Parallels of the Passion Accounts
Henry Wansbrough OSB, “The Passion of Jesus” in Introducing the New Testament, Bloomsbury, London 2015, pp.154-161.
Jose Antonio Pagola, Jesus: An Historical Approximation, Convivium Press, Miami, Florida, 2009, pp.353-384.
Questions for Reflection
1. Why did you choose to sign up for this course?
2. What do you hope to gain from your study of &reflection on the Passion According to Luke?
3. From the unique features of Luke’s Passion Narrative, what do you see as his emphasis?
4. Does this emphasis of Luke touch you in any way?
5. What prayer does this Passion Narrative evoke from you?
Introductory Reading
Read & reflect on Luke 22:14-38 The Last Supper.
For those who wish to read further
Brian Purfield, The Plot to Destroy Jesus & the Last Supper (Luke 22:1-38), Notes for Private Use, London Jesuit Centre, 2025.
Brendan Byrne SJ, “Jesus’ Journey to God: The Passion Narrative I – 22:1-53” in The Hospitality of God, Liturgical Press, Collegeville Minnesota 2015, pp. 183-192.
Robert L. Brawley, Luke: A Social Identity Commentary, T & T Clark, London 2020, pp.185-191.
Questions for Reflection on Luke 22:14-38
1. What does it tell me about Jesus’ relationship with his disciples that he eagerly desired to eat with them before he suffered? What does it imply about his relationship with me?
2. What do the words “This is my body” mean for me?
3. What significance do I find in Jesus’ including Judas at the Last Supper & giving him bread& wine as his body & blood? What significance do I find in Judas’ nonetheless betraying Jesus? What are the lessons for me?
4. What does it mean for me that Jesus came into our midst to serve? What does his example ask of me in my daily life?
5. What does it mean in my life to stand by Jesus? To remain faithful to him even through hardships & trials?
6. What am I able to do to strengthen my brothers & sisters in the faith?
7. What does it tell me about Jesus’ attitude towards me that he is concerned for the well-being of his disciples even as his suffering & death is imminent?
Introductory Reading
Read & reflect on Luke 22:39-53 At the Mount of Olives & the Arrest of Jesus.
For those who wish to read further
Brian Purfield, At the Mount of Olives & the Arrest of Jesus (Luke 22:39-53), Notes for Private Use, London Jesuit Centre, 2025.
Jerome Neyrey SJ, “Jesus in the Garden(Lk 22:39-46)” in The Passion According to Luke: A Redaction Study of Luke’s Soteriology, Paulist Press, New York/Mahwah, 1985, pp.49-68.
Joel B. Green, “’Take up their cross daily’: Disciples and Discipleship” in Discovering Luke: Content, Interpretation, Reception, SPCK, London, 2021, pp.190-216.
Questions for Reflection on Luke 22:39-53
1. What do I mean when I pray the words of the Lord’s Prayer, “Lead us not into temptation”?
2. What do I learn from Jesus’ prayer? When have I found it hardest to say to the Father, “Not my will but yours be done”?
3. What insight into Jesus am I given by Luke’s portrayal of him struggling fervently in prayer?
4. What example does Jesus at prayer set for me?
5. What does Jesus’ healing of the high priest’s servant reveal to me about Jesus? What hope does it give me that he is willing to heal me where I am wounded?
6. How has God worked even through my failings to bring his plan for me to fulfilment?
Introductory Reading
Read & reflect on the Denial, Mockery & Trial of Jesus (Luke 22:54-71) & Jesus before Pilate &Herod (Luke 23:1-25).
For those who wish to read further
Brian Purfield, Denial, Mockery &Trial of Jesus (Luke 22:54-71) & Jesus before Pilate & Herod (Luke23:1-25), Notes for Private Use, London Jesuit Centre, 2025
Daniel J. Harrington SJ, “Jesus’ Passion, Death & Resurrection in Jerusalem” in Meeting St. Luke Today: Understanding the Man, His Mission & His Message, Loyola Press, Chicago2009, pp.59-67.
Raymond E. Brown SS, “Last Supper, Passion, Death & Burial (22:1-23:56a)” in An Introduction to the New Testament, Doubleday, New York 1997, pp.255-260.
Raymond E. Brown SS, “The Lucan Account” in The Death of the Messiah: From Gethsemane to the Grave, Volume 1, Geoffrey Chapman, London 1994, pp.581-586.
Questions for Reflection on Luke22:54-23:25
1. What do I see of myself in Peter’s following of Jesus at a distance?
2. How has my fidelity to Jesus been tested?
3. When have I denied or downplayed my association with followers of Jesus or with the Church? What led me to do so?
4. What do I imagine to be the expression on Jesus’ face as he gazes at me?
5. What insight into Jesus am I given by his acceptance of mockery & pain?
6. What does it mean for me that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God?
7. What do I think of Pilate’s handling of Jesus’ case?
8. When have I stood my ground on a matter of principle, even though doing so was to my disadvantage? When have I caved in in a situation in which I should have stood firm?
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Brian is a tutor in the theology stream. Originally from Birmingham, Brian studied philosophy and theology at the Gregorian University, Rome and later gained a Masters Degree in Franciscan Studies from St. Bonaventure’s University, New York. He has given retreats and courses throughout the UK and Ireland, North America, the Far East and Australia. He taught at the International Franciscan Study, Canterbury and at Campion House, Osterley before joining the Mount Street Jesuit Team when it began in 2004. Brian also taught at Heythrop College on the Foundation Degree in Pastoral Ministry. His particular interest is in opening up the Scriptures to people, young and old, at a level that they can understand and seek to apply to their daily lives. Brian is married to Deborah who works for CAFOD. They live in Buckinghamshire.